

One of the most exciting sound characteristics of the MOTOR Synth is hearing the MOTOR Oscillators change their speed of rotation (RPM).
The MOTOR Synth offers detailed control over the PITCH ENVELOPE section of each VOICE - with two dedicated rotary knobs:
The FROM / TO KNOB is a center-indent pot that allows you to set the desired START and END point for each newly triggered and released note.
Turn the FROM knob Counter-clockwise to set a rising pitch envelope for each newly triggered note.
The pitch envelope interval will be indicated on the MOTOR Synth’s SCREEN as you start turning the FROM knob.
When set all the way CCW the screen will indicate the maximum interval of -12 semitones (one octave) below, whereas when turned all the way Clockwise the SCREEN will indicate a +12  semitone interval as the pitch envelope’s starting point.
When the desired interval is set, you need to set the ACCEL knob to adjust the time interval that the MOTOR Synth will use to reach the desired note from the interval set by the PITCH Envelope FROM setting. When the ACCEL knob is turned all the way down - ACCELERATION is OFF, and no PITCH ENVELOPE effect will be heard. As you turn up the ACCEL knob you will start hearing an increasingly longer PITCH ENVELOPE.
As you can see, both PITCH ENVELOPE Control Knobs have ALT values labeled TO and BRAKE.
This is a way for you to set up the falling edge of the PITCH Envelope - the PITCH Change that will occur as soon as notes are released.
HOLD ALT and adjust the FROM / TO knob to +5 and the ACCEL / BRAKE knob to a value of 80:
Now when each new note is released, it will start gradually drifting towards the +5 semitone interval set by the TO Knob.
It will reach those
TO targets according to the time parameter set with the BRAKE knob.
As you play, you will see the individual PITCH Envelops states of all Oscillators indicated on the SCREEN:
Use the LEFT SCREEN Encoder to adjust the desired CURVE of the whole PITCH Envelope.
The CURVE Parameter allows you to create very interesting pitch movements:
The RIGHT SCREEN Encoder lets you toggle between two PITCH Envelope Modes - TARGET and GLIDE.
GLIDE Mode is a simplified PITCH ENVELOPE Mode that is similar to a classic portamento effect, however the ACCEL / BRAKE knob still lets you retain individual control over speed of the Rising egde and Falling egde for the portamento effect.